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Author Archives: Hostel Mare

Polumaraton 4 tvrđave - Šibenik

15 Mar

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Sportsko-kulturna manifestacija koja se odvija kroz cijeli vikend, počevši od podjele startnih brojeva i koncerta iznimnog glazbenog umjetnika Gibonnija u petak 27.05.2022. na Tvrđavi Svetog Mihovila. Središnji dnevni događaj sljedećeg dana, subote 28.05. su dječje utrke za naše najmlađe, a večernji program rezerviran je za koncert popularne grupe TBF. Da subota bude još opuštenija i zabavnija, na rivi će se održati i „Pivska milja“ – popularna utrka na 1.609,4m (milja) uz ispijanje piva po standardnim pravilima.

Glavni događaj manifestacije jest nedjeljni Polumaraton 4 tvrđave – međunarodna atletska utrka na 21.098m sa startom i ciljem na šibenskoj rivi, te stazom koja obuhvaća sve 4 šibenske tvrđave – staza je koncipirana tako da spaja sve 4 tvrđave, a završetak utrke – uspon na tvrđava Barone i Sveti Mihovil najzahtjevniji je dio utrke. Start utrke je u 9:00 sati u nedjelju, 29. svibnja 2022. Svima kojima je polumaraton preveliki izazov ili imaju drugačije planove, namijenjena je utrka na 5km. Šibenska riva i Trg Pavla Šubića idealna su polazna i završna točka.

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SUPERTOON - International Animation Festival 22.07.- 26.07.2019.

6 May

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SUPERTOON is an International Animation Festival taking place in Šibenik, Croatia.

The purpose of the Festival is to systematically monitor and provide an insight into recent Croatian and world short-meter animation film and video production through a range of competition and side programmes. Additional aim is to create a platform for a direct communication and exchange of ideas and experiences for all festival participants and guests.

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Adventura Šibenik 2018.

28 Nov

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Šibenik ulazi u NOVU 2019. s vrhunskim programom na čak 3 pozornice.
Be there!



7 Jun

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16 – 30 June International Children’s Festival in Šibenik – Croatia

19 – 21 July OFF FESTIVAL Jazz & Blues 2018

22-27 July SUPERTOON International Animation Festival

22-28 July Sibenic Dance Festival

02 August Concert – St.Michael”s fortress- Mario Biondi

14 Augut Concert – St.Michael”s fortress – Roisin Murphy

05 September Concert – St.Michael”s fortress – Bryan Ferry

June-August Garden festival Tisno

June-September Obonjan Island Šibenik

Dobri restorani Awards for Best Croatian Restaurants 2017

9 Jan

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Dobri restorani (Good Restaurants) award ceremony took place at Zagreb’s Esplanade hotel last night, Jutarnji list reports. This is the sixth edition of the joint project by Jutarnji list and Vinart, and this year’s partners included Jamnica, Metro, Koral Badel 1862 and Lošinj Hotels & Villas.

A jury consisting of 500 experts, including chefs, eno and gastro journalists, bloggers, restaurant owners and winemakers, voted for the best restaurants in Croatia, Dalmatia, Istria and Kvarner, the City of Zagreb, Central Croatia, Slavonia and Podunavlje and a special award was given to a Wine Friend Restaurant. Top chefs also chose the best one among them.

Pelegrini from Šibenik is the absolute winner for the second year in a row, with their chef Rudolf Štefan winning the Best Chef award. The restaurant also won the Best Restaurant in Dalmatia award.

Top 10 Croatia:
1. Pelegrini, Šibenik
2. Dubravkin put, Zagreb
3. Monte, Rovinj
4. Noel, Zagreb
5. Plavi podrum, Volosko
6. Vinodol, Zagreb
7. Bevanda, Opatija
8. Carpaccio, Zagreb
9. Marina, Novigrad
10. Mala hiža, Mačkovec

Top 10 City of Zagreb:
1. Dubravkin put, Zagreb
2. Noel, Zagreb
3. Vinodol, Zagreb
4. Carpaccio, Zagreb
5. Bistro Apetit, Zagreb
6. Takenoko, Zagreb
7. ManO, Zagreb
8. Barbieri’s, Zagreb
9. Apetit City, Zagreb
10. Time, Zagreb

Top 10 Dalmatia:
1. Pelegrini, Šibenik

Source: www.total-croatia-news.com

UNESCO Flag Displayed on St Nicholas Fortress in Šibenik

25 Dec

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It’s official – the priceless monument in Šibenik now proudly flies the UNESCO flag!

Following the news of two landmarks in Dalmatia getting inscribed on UNESCO’s Protected World Heritage List, the UNESCO flag has been displayed on St. Nicholas Fortress in Šibenik earlier today, reports ŠibenikIN on December 21, 2017.

The application for the fortress to obtain the prestigious title was submitted as part of a larger, trans-national project titled “Venetian Works of Defence in the 16th and 17th Centuries: Stato da Terra – Western Stato da Mar”.

The UNESCO Charter for St. Nicholas Fortress was presented to Prefect of Šibenik-Knin County Goran Pauk by UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture Francesco Bandarin, who stated that the Stato da Mar project can serve as an example everyone should aspire to.

“I wish to congratulate everyone who participated in the long process of compiling the application proposal. I’m proud I get to share your joy today, and that I had the chance to see how dedicated you are to preserving your heritage. Šibenik is one of the rare cities to have two monuments protected by UNESCO, along with London, Berlin, Beijing and New Delhi. Welcome to the club”, Bandarin said.

Bandarin added the fortress is impressive for having a unique design and for being so well-preserved, calling it one of the most outstanding fortresses he has ever seen. He congratulated the City of Šibenik for having done an amazing job and appealed to them to launch a reconstruction project as soon as possible in order to make the fortress accessible to visitors.

Source: www.total-croatia-news.com

Lansiranje uspjelo: Tisuću lampiona obasjalo nebo iznad Šibenika i stvorilo prekrasan prizor

24 Dec

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Preko tisuću lampiona osvijetlilo je nebo iznad grada u okviru humanitarne akcije ‘Šibenik daruje’, i stvorilo prekrasan prizor u vedroj i toploj badnjačkoj noći. Sav prihod od prodaje lampiona koji su cijeli dan prodavani ispred kazališta namijenjen je udruzi Aurora, koja brine o oboljelima od cerebralne i dječje paralize i drugim tjelesnim invalidima Šibensko-kninske županije.

Lampioni po cijeni od 30 kuna prodavali su članovi i simpatizeri udruge danas cijeli dan na ulazu u Adventuru, a svi skupa mogu biti poprilično zadovoljni odazivom Šibenčana.

– Lijepo mi je ovo sve skupa, a uživaju i djeca. Prekrasan je prizor vidjeti sve te lampione u zraku, a još je bolji osjećaj kad si kupnjom pomogao i onima kojima je pomoć prijeko potrebna. Koliko vidim, lete oni prema moru pa neće biti problema s vatrom, iako me to malo brinulo – kaže Vedran, koji je na Poljanu doveo svoje dvoje djece.

Iako je prošlih godina bilo određenih problema i mnogi nisu znali kako uopće lampion ‘poslati’ u zrak, ove godine takvi su bili rijetki.

– Sjećam se lani, bilo je to smiješno. Osjećale smo se nas četiri kao iz onog crtića ‘A je to’. Nikako da se lampion napuni zrakom i odleti. Valjda nam je to dobra škola, jer smo ga večeras ‘lansirale’ u zrak na vrijeme, a ne zadnje uz pomoć pola Poljane kao prošle godine – smije se Sandra.

Lijepa badnja noć u Šibeniku.

Izvor: www.sibenik.in